The secret to successful beef production


Beef production is a business that involves many different factors. Each element is as important as the next. To maximise your herd’s efficiency to increase profitability these factors need to work in combination with each other.

Key Factors for success in beef production:


1. Beef Herd Management

• Genetics

Use high Beef Value Bulls with a high emphasis on carcass traits.

 • Meat Factory and Fertility Records

Proper records will identify the most profitable cows and bulls to breed.

• Suckler Calving Date and Pattern

Target the suckler calving pattern to the availability of grazed grass.

 • Stocking Rate

Optimise stocking rate to land type and growing conditions.



2. Grassland Management

• Grass Measurement and Budgeting

Essential tools for efficient beef production.

 • Reseeding and Ryegrass Swards

Drive grass quality and quantity to maximise beef performance from grass.

 • Nitrogen

Ryegrass pastures respond to applied Nitrogen, do not restrict growth.

 • Soil Fertility

Maintain soil fertility in an optimum state, phosphorus is very important.

 • Soils

Keep soil organic matter high, it is the foundation for growth.

 • Soil Structure

Do not poach, avoid compaction and provide drainage.



3. Farm Management

• Farm Layout

Good roadways, multiple access points and a good water supply are critical.

 • Safety and Facilities

Invest in a good crush and drafting system and keep safety in mind at all times.


4. Diet Management

• Grazing Management

Feed stock well with grass - no restrictions and conserve surplus grass for later.

 • Silage Quality

High quality silage for indoor feeding improves efficiency while reducing costs.

 • Concentrate Supplementation

Feed a properly well balanced diet to finishing cattle and boost carcass gains.



5. Herd Health

• Herd Health

Do a herd health programme, establish disease status and improve immunity.

 • Thin Suckler Cows

Thin suckler cows produce less milk and thereby restrict calf performance.



6. Financial Management

• Financial

Know the cost of producing beef and do a beef profit monitor.

 • Cashflow

Heavy borrowings and reduced output severely restricts cashflow.

 • Net Worth

Grow net worth every year.


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First Published 5 November 2019

Tagged with: Beef


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