Tirlán Mastercrop delivering premium results in Co. Wicklow


John Wynne discusses his dairy and tillage enterprise and how the farm has adapted to new methods of technology over the years, highlighting the importance of efficient reseeding practices with Tirlán Mastercrop Premium grass seed.

Farm and grazing system

John Wynne farms outside Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow on his family dairy farm. John explains, ‘’we would have historically been a mixed farming system running a combination of dairy, beef and tillage. With the new nitrates rules we’ve had to reduce stock numbers by cutting the beef finishing system. The dairy herd is split calving to fulfil a liquid milk contract with Tirlán, with 160 cows calving in the spring and 140 in the autumn. Traditionally, the herd would have been a pure Holstein cow, but more recently we’ve moved to a Holstein cross British Friesian, aiming to have a more robust cow that is lower maintenance with a higher EBI.’’

Calving started on John’s farm the 1st February with 40% of the herd calved in the first 3 weeks. John’s main aim is to get cows to grass early, “we’re working off an opening farm cover of 820 kg/dm/ha which I’m very happy with. The cows are out grazing by day on lower cover paddocks, with the aim to get slurry out when grazed.’’ With effective grazing infrastructure which includes a newly constructed underpass, John grows on average 13 tonne of grass annual. John admits that, ‘’being able to grow good quality grass with good yields is vital. Measuring grass weekly along with a targeted and structured reseeding plan helps maintain yields for the milking cows.’’ Paying particular focus to soil health John’s dairy platform is at index 3 and 4 for both phosphorus and potassium. ‘’We soil sample on the farm every 3 years and use a mix of liquid nitrogen and protected urea throughout the grazing season.’’

The importance of reseeding

With the use of information gathered from grass measuring on a weekly basis along with a structured reseeding plan, John can make informed decisions on what paddocks require reseeding. John says that, ‘’the aim on the farm is to reseed paddocks every 10 years, with that it can be hard as each year brings different challenges like drought or low silage stocks.’’ He uses a mix of methods to reseed, depending on the conditions at that time of year. ‘’The disc and power harrow would be the preferred choice here as it keeps the organic matter to the top few inches. However, the plough would be used when reseeding during dry periods with hard soil.’’ John takes time in ensuring the soil is in perfect condition, with a ‘’fine seedbed’’ being crucial to good soil seed contact and effective establishment of the seed.

At the heart of John’s reseeding plan is the Tirlán Mastercrop Premium Grass Seed Mixes, which John has used on all his reseeds in recent years.  The Mastercrop Premium Mixture contains some of the best seed mixes on the Pasture Profit Index (PPI), which helps drive grass yield and milk production. John uses both the premium Silage and Grazing Sward on specific paddocks, stating ‘’I’ve had nothing but good results.’’ With Mastercrop Premium you can achieve up to 40% difference in grass production when compared with older pasture, along with that research states that permanent pastures are up to 25% less responsive to nitrogen when compared to high perennial ryegrass swards according to trials at Teagasc Moorepark.

The benefits of reseeding

John highlighted a number of benefits since implementing a reseeding programme and how the Mastercrop Premium has improved his grazing system. ‘’Working on a focused reseeding plan has ensured the farm keeps improving. Physically being able to see the difference in grass growth during the shoulders of the year is enough to convince me,’’ John admits. Extending the grazing season not only reduces costs but can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.7% for every extra 10 days at grass, according to Teagasc.

John also highlighted other notable benefits which help maximise farm performance. He believes that, ‘’the earlier growth in the spring and the improved resistance to drought during the summer along with improved re-growth are the main benefits within my system. In new reseeds I would be back in that same paddock in 18 days or less at a cover of 1300 kg/dm/ha. I can also see in the parlour better milk production when cows come out a new reseeded paddock, which means more litres for me.’’

Value for money

Reseeding smarter is John’s main aim. He’s constantly looking for ways that reduce the cost of getting seed into the ground without compromising establishment. ‘’The seed is excellent value for money and is the cheapest part of the whole reseeding process. Finding ways of reseeding smarter and improving soil health is something we all need to improve on,’’ says John. With guidance from John’s Tirlán business manager, Sean Jackson, he can implement best practices to ensure effective reseed. John was quick to highlight the quality of advice offered. ‘’Sean is a great help and is someone with huge experience in the agricultural sector. He would call before and after starting the work, and helps in making decisions including seed rate and chemical applications.’’

Read the Tirlán Farmlife 2023 Grass Seed & Forgage Brochure with the latest technical advice here. Grass and Forage Seed Brochure

First Published 6 April 2023

Tagged with: Dairy Beef Tillage


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