2024 Autumn Consultation Options


2024 – Register for a free veterinary consultation on SCC and Mastitis control this autumn.

It’s that time of year again when your are planning for drying off cows that will calve in the spring of 2025.

To get you on the right road – the AHI CellCheck programme have again this year two options available for you to work with your farm vet to do a FREE on farm consultation about SCC control mastitis. These are all fully funded by DAFM, so there is no cost to you as a farmer. These will support work you are already doing on farm.

This year, many more vets have been certified by CellChcek to do the consultations, so its easier than ever to engage with your preferred farm vet.

Both consultation types are fully funded DAFM and are delivered through the Targeted Advisory Service on Animal Health (TASAH), funded by the Rural Development Programme and coordinated by Animal Health Ireland. 

These consultations are available to support the direction being taken by farmers and the industry in a move towards using more strategic antibiotic treatments  at drying off. Selective dry cow treatment is an option available for many farms with the right guidance. With the right hygiene, management and support, many herds have already successfully developed selective dry cow strategies in consultation with their veterinary practitioners and reduced their antibiotic use at drying off. It is important to remember that a selective dry cow strategy is not without risk and is not something to embark on without seeking professional support and advice.  However, with preparation, planning and good management it can be successfully adopted on-farm.

Dry Cow Consult

Cell Count Solutions

Consultation aimed at assisting herds with a SCC <200,000 cells/ml.

Consultation aimed at assisting herds with a SCC >200,000 cells/ml or having SCC / mastitis problems

What does this involve?

This consultation is carried out with your selected (AHI trained mastitis focused) vet and is an opportunity to assess the current drying off process, previous dry period cure rates, and identify any areas for improvement. Milk recording results and farm records will be analysed to identify individual animals that could be dried off without any antibiotic treatment, and the best way of implementing this. It will also be an opportunity to discuss dry cow management and review housing.

What does this involve?

This is an opportunity to begin the process of mastitis / SCC problem-solving. The goal of the consult is to identify and kick-start a longer-term action plan and to include all the relevant professions, with the herd owner at the centre.

This consultation is also free and again is delivered by a CellCheck trained vet, and is an opportunity for you to begin the process of mastitis problem-solving.

It involves choosing a team of people you already work with including your milk quality advisor, milking machine technician, farm advisor and your vet, to support you along the road of investigating and resolving mastitis issues.

The consultation will look at all relevant areas, including the cow, the milking routine, the environment, records etc. so that you can develop a farm-specific plan.  

Eligibility and Requirements: To be considered eligible for this, your herd must meet the following criteria:

  1. Average bulk milk tank SCC for the last 12 months is <200,000 cells/mL.
  2. At least 4 whole herd milk recordings in the last 12 months.
Eligibility and Requirements:  This is available to any farmer that would like to improve their mastitis and SCC control.

Enrol online here:  https://shorturl.at/boIUZ

Enrol online here:  CellCheck TASAH Cell Count Solutions Consult Farmer Registration  · Custom Portal (animalhealthireland.ie)

First Published 4 October 2024

Tagged with: Dairy


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