Keeping Accurate Animal Medicine Records

Keeping Accurate Animal Medicine Records is one of the major criteria of the National Dairy Sustainable Dairy Scheme (SDAS) and Beef and Lamb Quality Assurance Scheme (BLQAS). The reason for this is that it must comply with the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) regulations.

The area of medicine record keeping is the one area that continually challenges farmers to have it correct for the audits and or cross compliance.

Most farmers shy away from this area, as they feel it is onerous. Actually it is much simpler than registering a calf, yet every farmer does this routinely and on time. We treat animals with powerful antibiotics and medicines, which may cause residues in milk and meat for consumers, and do not record them in a timely manner. Farmers forget or cannot remember the details if not completed in a timely manner. If you record the medicines simply after administrating as a routine, it becomes a habit.

Set up a simple system to do this, in the most convenient area

    1. Use a day diary/ Glanbia calendar in the dairy, to record the date, the medicine name, the amount given, and the identity of the animal or group treated.

    2. Allocate time to fill in the Bord Bia Book, or on computer/ mobile phone the withholding times for meat and milk where applicable, who treated the animal and who prescribed the medicine if relevant.

    3. If this data is recorded routinely as laid out above farmers will be more at ease completing this task.


Medicines and treatments that must be recorded are; mastitis tubes, dry cow tubes, doses, drenches, vaccines, antibiotic injections, antibiotic bolus, some minerals e.g. copper, hormones and pain relief. Meat and milk withholding times must be recorded for milking cows and dry cows.

Where using computer based farm management packages or phone apps, ensure that you load the correct withholding times for all remedies. If this is omitted, the data will not transfer across on the reports. The computer based farm management packages/ phone app companies are very willing to assist any farmer who has difficulties. They are all available at the end of a phone.


Animal Remedies Usage Chart from Bord Bia farm book

See below a completed example of the Animal Remedies Usage Record Section of the Bord Bia Farm Book to assist you in recording medicines.

Tube Usage Register from Bord Bia farm pack

For convenience lactating tubes, dry cow tubes and sealers can be recorded in the Bord Bia Tube Usage Register. See below example – this is acceptable as a record.

If you require help on any of this area, to prepare for or close out your Bord Bia audits please contact the local sustainability advisor at 058 51101 or Anne Browne at 087 2473725.

First published 30th August 2016

Tagged with: Dairy


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