Fencing off watercourses enters top five Sustainability Actions as 25% of suppliers declare actions so far!

Agribusiness All Beef Co-op Corporate Dairy

Fencing off watercourses enters top five Sustainability Actions as 25% of suppliers declare actions so far!

Fencing off of watercourses has entered the top five actions that farm family suppliers are declaring to enhance their on-farm economic and environmental performance and to continue receive their Sustainability Action Payment in 2024.

The declaration portal is now live on www.tirlanfarmlife.com for all suppliers that wish to continue to receive the 0.5 cent per litre (including VAT) sustainability payment next year.

Milk suppliers are asked to click on the ‘My Farm’ section on Tirlán FarmLife and declare their sustainability actions, to continue to receive their Sustainability Action Payment in 2024.

To continue to receive the Sustainability Action Payment in 2024, Republic of Ireland suppliers are requested to log on to the “My Farm” section on Tirlán FarmLife and declare 7 of the 18 sustainability actions undertaken.


First Published 20 September 2023


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